Tuesday 24 October 2017


One of the online services I provide, is creating animated pictures on demand. Probably, you have already noticed my profile picture at right top of the blog. Below, are some more examples. Feel free to contact me, using the contact form at right middle of the page, if you wish to create a cool impressive picture of you in action. 


There are many impressive animated effects like this, designed by other designers. I have made a list of links below. They are all provided as "photoshop" actions. The trouble here is that, if you want to download and use any of them, you must make a sighn up and in the end you must have some knowledge of the famous "photoshop" designing and editing software.

 animated effect 1  /  animated effect 2  /  animated effect 3  /  animated effect 4
 animated effect 5  /  animated effect 6  /  animated effect 7  /  animated effect 8